Introduction to the Genomics and Microbiology Solutions Laboratory (IDI-GEMS)
The Genomics and Microbiology Solutions Laboratory (IDI-GEMS) was established in the spring of 2020 as an earnings operation established through a partnership between the Infectious Diseases Institute and the Department of Microbiology. To address the COVID-19 pandemic, the IDI-GEMS gained federal accreditation for diagnostic testing (CLIA) and performed over 850,000 diagnostic PCR tests and produced over 10,000 full SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences from clinical and environmental samples as part of the campus pandemic monitoring and surveillance program.
In its post-pandemic transition, the IDI-GEMS is committed facilitating interdisciplinary research collaborations by providing consulting, research design, and testing services with emphasis on microbial metagenomic sequence analyses. IDI-GEMS is an incubator laboratory that supports the translation of scientific concepts into services or platforms, facilitating both research and business innovation.
The IDI-GEMS is equipped with 15 biosafety cabinets for infectious sample handling at BSL1/2, four clean bench molecular work stations, 20 quantitative multicolor thermal cyclers, two DNA/ RNA extraction robots (Promega Maxwell and Hamilton STAR), two liquid handlers (Biomek) for sequence library preparation, a NextSeq2000 sequencer, and metagenomic/microbial analysis pipelines built out in partnership with the Ohio State University Center of Microbiome Science, Amazon Web Services and the Ohio Supercomputer Center.
Vector-Borne Pathogens
The IDI-GEMS is committed to diagnostic testing and research in microbial analyses and disease surveillance, such as tick and other vector-borne disease sample testing in collaboration with campus experts in medical and veterinary entomology. As part of the IDI-GEMS, the Buckeye Bug Bite Lab (BBBL) provides1 tick identification and tests tick samples for the most common disease-causing pathogens the tick species is known to transmit to people, pets, or livestock. The Buckeye Bug Bite Lab does not provide medical advice and tick testing should not be a substitute for consultation with your healthcare provider or veterinarian, however it can be very useful information to share with them.
1The tick-borne pathogen testing service will be launched in the spring of 2024. Please check back soon.
Bacillus Strains
Through its partnership with the Department of Microbiology within the College of Arts and Sciences, IDI-GEMS manages the Bacillus Genetic Stock Center (BGSC). The BGSC was established in 1978 with support from NSF (Award Number:1756219) and is one of only two centers of its kind in the world. The primary mission of the BGSC is to maintain genetically characterized strains, cloning vectors, and bacteriophages for the genus Bacillus and related organisms and to distribute (for a fee) these materials to qualified scientists and educators throughout the world. See the BGSC website here >>
Microbiome Platform
IDI-GEMS partners with The Center of Microbiome Science to provide the Ohio State Microbiome Platform, which offers researchers end-to-end support for genome-resolved metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies.
For more information, please visit this link >>
Download the Microbiome Platform Services PDF here >>
Contact Us
Veena Devi Ganeshan, Ph.D.
Lab Director, IDI-GEMS
Located: 101E Goss Lab
1925 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210