Infectious Diseases Institute FACILITIES DESCRIPTION
RESOURCES for faculty and trainee IDI members
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Discovery Talks
Hear from the experts how our research is contributing to discoveries and real-world solutions around the globe
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Funding Opportunities
Find information on available funding opportunities for Infectious Diseases research
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Center of Microbiome Science
Find out more about the excellent microbiome science work being done at OSU
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Helpful Links
- Pharmacoanalytic Shared Resource (PhASR)
The PhASR supports pre-clinical drug development at Ohio State by providing high quality and cost-effective bioanalytical method development, quantitative sample analysis, and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics experimental design, data analysis and modeling.
- STEAM factory
The STEAM Factory is a diverse and inclusive grass-roots network in the Ohio State community that facilitates creative and interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation and dissemination. Its goal is to provide opportunities to enhance innovation; provide linkages and interdisciplinary interactions between Ohio State departments and colleges; and increase the public awareness of the impact of Ohio State research.
- Stone Laboratory
For more than 100 years, Stone Laboratory has been an invaluable asset in freshwater biology research, science education and outreach. This freshwater fieldstation has introduces thousands to the basics of field-based biological science on Gilbraltar Island in Put-In-Bay.
- The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Antibiotic Stewardship Program
The Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) is a key initiative to improve the care and outcomes of patients at the Ohio State University Medical Center. The initiative focuses on optimizing antimicrobial therapy for inpatients by providing guidance for both selection and dosing of antimicrobial agents.
- Translational Data Analytics Institute
The Translational Data Analytics Institute provides access to integration of Ohio State’s data analytics assets and expertise – transforming how the university works with partners to co-develop big date solutions and develop date analytics talent utilizing our capabilities and expertise.
- Understanding the Economics of Microbial Threats
Proceedings of a workshop: Microbial threats, including endemic and emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance, can cause not only substantial health consequences but also enormous disruption to economic activity worldwide. While scientific advances have undoubtedly strengthened our ability to respond to and mitigate the mortality of infectious disease threats, events over the past two decades have illustrated our continued vulnerability to economic consequences from these threats.