To eradicate disease, we must understand how infection takes hold.
Ohio State researchers bring together multiple perspectives across paired disciplines of microbiology and immunology. We study how hosts respond to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites — and their immune systems’ ability to fight those infections.
At Ohio State, we work together to study the interaction between microbes and hosts of all scales — whether that host is a cell or cells, a person, animal or plant. Our questions: How does a pathogen and host interact? Does the microbe infect the host and lead to disease? Or does the host fight back to kill the pathogen? We study these critical questions, which lead to solutions for fighting disease: new vaccines and targeted therapies.
Breakthrough discoveries like these are the building blocks of our work, and the basis for developing new ways to fight infectious diseases, from the common cold to global pandemics.
Program Directors
Prosper Boyaka, PhD
Professor and ChairDepartment of Veterinary Biosciences
Samantha King, PhD
Associate ProfessorPediatrics
Nationwide Children's Hospital Investigator -
Fernanda Novais, PhD
Assistant ProfessorMicrobial Infection and Immunity
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Our Investigators
Helpful Links
- Campus Chemical Instrument Center
- Center for Retrovirus Research
- Environmental Health Sciences Program
- Environmental Science Graduate Program
- Food Animal Health Research Program (FAHRP)
- Food Science & Technology Program
- Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Program
- Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center (MCIC)
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital Center for Microbial Pathogenesis
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine and Immunity (CVI)
- STEAM factory
- Translational Data Analytics Institute
- Veterinary Preventive Medicine Program